You get what you think about most of the time

A Moment of Reflection with Gabriela Embon - We2 Weekly Wisdom
Are you familiar with the law of attraction? Either if you believe it or not, it works. It’s a law, like the law of gravity; you don’t need to believe it. It just works.

Our brain is a transmitter. It sends and receives electromagnetic waves, called frequencies. By the law of attraction we receive the same vibrations that we emit. How do we emit frequencies? Our thoughts create emotions and our emotions create vibrations. The quality of our thoughts is a key factor in determining whether we feel “good” and vibrate high or we feel “bad” therefore vibrates low.

Remember: YOU GET WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST OF THE TIME. Our thoughts are so powerful that Napoleon Hill wrote a book called “Think and Grow Rich”. Get it? The book’s title is not “Sacrifice and get rich” or “Work hard and get rich”. Why do you think is it?

You get what you think about most of the time. I encourage you to write this sentence and stick it to your fridge, bathroom, at your office and next to your bed.

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A Moment of Reflection with Gabriela Embon - We2 Weekly Wisdom

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