3 Non-business-ey things you can do to grow your biz this year.

There’s a LOT of BUZZ around intentions and visioning exercises swirling around because, well… it’s the beginning of the year.

It’s a GREAT time to plan and dream a little bigger! Maybe a lot bigger! The beginning of the year is a benchmark, a fresh start, a time for hope and setting your sights higher! In fact, one of the fun things We2 does every year is the “letter to yourself,” (which you probably have recently received if you participated last year). People get such a kick out of opening their long-forgotten star-confetti-filled envelopes. And the reports that come back are wowza! (As in, “Whoa! It actually happened! And I had forgotten I had even written it down!”)

Ma-ma-ma-magic! It works!

We’re going to cover all that great stuff to help you make this year your best year yet, with on and offline events. Check them out here: Check them out here as they are published!

But I want to shake things up.

The truth is, there is more that goes into being a good entrepreneur (and well-rounded person) than the hard-core biz stuff.

Here are a few non-business-ey “start the year off right” tips that are sure to make your year rock…things that I believe are CRUCIAL not only to a happy life, but to business success.

  1. Move your body.

    Say what, now? Indeed.

    Overthinking? Unsure? Feeling stuck? Unmotivated? Get up and move! Running. Jumping. Dancing. Skipping. There is no clarity quite like the clarity that comes from a body in motion, perhaps one that has exhausted itself, (that “I just had an amazing workout and feel AMAZING” kind of tiredness).

    This is not a “that would be nice”, or “yeah…I really should” – it’s a non-negotiable.

    The physical benefits are a given, but the mental ones cannot be understated. We were meant to move. In order to have the energy and the right attitude to do what you need to do, to stay sharp, to stay focused, to feel confident and powerful, to get the answers that you need, to stay in the creative-zone and stay ahead of the game…ya gotta sweat.

    (And SLEEP. Just as important).

    So commit to moving more this year! A trick here: Find an exercise you LOVE to do. Put it in the schedule and make it a “must.” As in: YOU are your client for that 30 or 120 minutes. On the regular. No excuses. It’s in the books, baby. Your actual clients will thank you for it when you are super-on-the-ball. Trust me.

  2. Do more of what brings you joy.
    Get creative. Have some fun! Creative time is not “veg out” time, that’s different. I mean a passion project. Something that lights you up, maybe challenges you a little. But in a different way than your biz.

    The idea here is to make it special. Set aside time regularly for what you love to do. Not an afterthought and not a distraction. Meaning: instead of having diluted work time and diluted play time, work your biz like a boss, stay uber-focused, get’er done, THEN, make sure to give yourself a break to indulge guilt-free in fun / creative time, giving that your all, too! Getting YOU back in touch with YOU will add a fresh perspective and inform your work while bringing a new energy and enthusiasm to your life!

    So, what did you love to do as a kid? Drawing? Dancing? Theatre? Movies? Creative writing? Take a watercolor painting class. Get a museum pass. Join a cooking, knitting, photography or book club. A hiking or snowshoeing group or dance class. (Bonus 2 for 1, ‘cuz you move your body – sweet!) You don’t have to be a pro. You just need to show up. And enjoy!

    The key here: just like you will work your biz with consistency, feeding your soul is a priority and should be done with the same reverence. Although it doesn’t have to be done daily, make sure that it is done regularly. I like the idea of a class or group because it keeps you accountable, and you meet all kinds of cool people!! And threads that connect us are golden, you never, ever, ever know who you might meet! 😉 That being said, if you are always with people, or kids, and need some alone time to indulge in your creative time, that’s cool, too! Make sure to give yourself that sacred space, distraction-free!

    So, take a few moments to tap into your inner, playful child and choose something creative that you will focus on this year!

  3. Focus on relationships.
    Let’s assume the plan is in place and you’re working it, sister! Great. Now…maybe change the focus from numbers to people. Take your eyes off the sales goal – just a little. Trust that with your work ethic and focus, and a kickass plan, it’ll get done.

    What relationships can you nurture this year? What kind of people, new friends, and yes, even business acquaintances do you want to meet? Be choosy about who they are. I recommend steering clear of energy vampires or overly negative people. Who you hang around with has a large effect on your mood, your effectiveness in your biz, and how fast you reach your goals.

    Nourish some relationships with people you admire. With whom do you have a connection, one you wish to deepen, perhaps? How can you help them? How can you serve? How can you surprise and delight? We have the power to make people feel special, to give them kind words, confidence, encouragement, to change lives, to support and give strength – and to receive these wondrous gifts in return. Never underestimate the power of people.

    And let’s face it…nothing happens without people. Biz is about the people – and it makes the journey so much more interesting!

Remember to do things everyday that will move you forward. Nourishing the whole you and what makes you special and interesting is never a bad thing. It makes you better. At everything!


Meet the Author

Sarena is the Chief Kick-in-the-pants-er, Business Blossomer and Soulful Sugar Sister who helps people transform their businesses from "meh" to MAGNIFICENT. With the heart of an artist and spirit of an entrepreneur, she dishes sugar & spice advice so you can make more moolah from your passion. Her refreshingly down-to-earth and down-to-business approach brings both JOY & RESULTS to her beloved clients.